The Importance of Regular Property Inspections in Sydney's Northern Beaches: Advice from Wilproperty

Regular property inspections are crucial to managing rental property in Sydney's Northern Beaches. Whether your property is in Manly, Dee Why, Freshwater or Mona Vale, regular inspections help ensure that your investment is well cared for and that any maintenance issues are promptly addressed. In this blog post, Mitchell Wilson, the experienced property manager at Wilproperty, shares his insights on the importance of regular property inspections and offers tips on what to look for during these inspections.

Why Regular Inspections Are Important: Regular inspections can help identify any maintenance issues early before they become significant problems. They also provide an opportunity to check that the tenant is taking good care of the property. Regular inspections also allow you to keep an eye on the property's condition and ensure that it's being maintained to a high standard, which is particularly important in the sought-after rental market of Sydney's Northern Beaches.

What to Look for During Inspections: During an inspection, you should check for any damage or maintenance issues. This includes checking the condition of the appliances, the plumbing and electrical systems, the walls and floors, and the exterior of the property. While we at Wilproperty are not builders or professional property inspectors, our experience in property management in the Northern Beaches allows us to spot potential issues that might need attention from a professional tradesperson.


How Often to Conduct Inspections: The frequency of inspections can depend on various factors, including the age and condition of the property, the terms of the lease. Under the current legislation you are entitled to 4 routine inspections per year. At Wilproperty, we can advise you on the appropriate frequency for your property inspections, ensuring your a great relationship is kept with your tenants and not overstepping the mark and intruding on your tenants. 

Working with a Property Manager: Conducting regular inspections can be time-consuming. A property manager can handle this task for you, ensuring that inspections are conducted regularly and thoroughly. At Wilproperty, we coordinate these inspections and ensure that any necessary follow-up actions, such as arranging for tradespeople, are taken care of.


Remember, regular property inspections are an essential part of maintaining the value of your investment and ensuring a positive relationship with your tenants. At Wilproperty, we have the expertise and experience to conduct thorough property inspections and address any issues promptly. Contact us today to learn more about our property management services in Sydney's Northern Beaches.